Verilink 1558D (34-00255) Product Manual User Manual

Page 30

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LAPS Operation 4-4


line is the circuit name assigned by the user for the NET B
T1 facility. Circuit names are defined by the user with the
Configuration menu (Figure 4-8 on page 4-7).

Near: This field shows the current status of a protected
span’s two T1 lines as viewed from the 1558D unit that you
are attached to. This status is derived from error conditions,
communications failures, and user activated manual and soft
inhibits. The top line in the field depicts the status of T1
Line A. The second line depicts the status of T1 Line B.
This field will show one of the following status indicators
for each line:

(dashed line)

No status is available for this circuit.


The 1558D is actively using the received
signal from this line and the line has no
alarm conditions.


The 1558D is not actively using this line, but
it is not in an alarm condition and may be
used if needed by the 1558D APS unit.


This line has an alarm condition and is
therefore in a failed state. The APS may not
switch to this line.

Soft Inhibit:

The user has initiated a soft inhibited com-
mand to the 1558D. When in this state, this
line may not be the APS equipment to pro-
vide user service.

Man. Inhibit:

The user has inhibited this line from usage
by placing the front panel Select Switch to
either the A or B position. When in this
state, this line may not be used by the APS


This line is in a reset condition. A momen-

tary status that may appear at the time the
attached APS is reset.


This line has a payload loop active.

Line LP:

This line has a line loop active.

Fac. LP:

This line has a facility loop active.

Eq LP:

This line has a equipment loop active.

CSU Loop:

This line has a CSU loop active. This status

only appears for far end units.

Far: This field shows the current status of the protected
span’s T1 lines as received at the far end 1558D unit. The
content of this field is the same as that defined above for the
“Near” field. Note that only 1558D units configured as Mas-
ter will display both Near and Far status. A 1558D config-
ured as a Slave will only display valid status for the Near,
not the Far.

The circuits are displayed in order by the shelf number and
the position within the shelf (unit address). Each Circuit List
Screen shows a maximum of six circuits at one time. The
next six circuits, if any, can be viewed by pressing down>. To show the six preceding circuits, press .
An individual circuit can be specified at any time by enter-
ing the position designator at the message line prompt,
Shelf/Pos: and pressing . This designator must be
typed as it is displayed. For example, the APS device in
position 3 of shelf 1 would be specified as ‘1.03’ or ‘1.3’.

In any circuit list, a single circuit’s position designator will
always be selected by a highlighted cursor. The cursor con-
trol keys may be used to move this cursor from one circuit
to another. If the cursor is moved down from the last posi-
tion on the screen, the circuit list will scroll up, showing the
next successive selection at the bottom of the screen. If the
cursor is moved up from the top of the screen, the list will
scroll down.

The cursor’s position is used to select a specific circuit for
displaying detailed performance data. Pressing
while a circuit is selected will cause a Performance Screen
to be displayed for that circuit. This screen is only accessi-

ID: HICAP 1234

TxPORT 1559 APS Manager

Date: MM/DD/YY

ID: HICAP 5678



Shelf/Pos: 1.01

Ver. 3.XX

--------------------------------- Performance


Target: [Side A, Near] Status: Active 24 Hr. % Error Free: 95%
Reset ESF Events: 128 SWO History: Completed Intervals: 80
Reset Event Regs: Event Free Intervals: 76

08:01 Current 0 0 0 0 481 0 0 0
----- 24 Hour 9 0 0 8 72001 0 9 0
10:15 [1] 1 0 0 0 899 0 9 0
15:00 [78] 0 0 0 1 476 0 0 0
14:45 [79] 5 0 0 6 435 0 5 0
14:30 [80] 3 0 0 1 888 0 3 0

----------------------------------- Messages -----------------------------------



Figure 4-5 Performance