5 offset, 5 outputs, 1 relay 1 and relay 2 – Tecfluid MX4 For FLOMAT Series User Manual
Page 37

When there is a sudden variation of the flow rate then the filter should react as fast as
possible to give a correct reading of the new value. For this, the filter controls the deviation
of the instant flow rate with respect to a reference for each reading. If this deviation
exceeds the 10%, the filter will stop acting, indicating the instant value, and will start again
the filtering process.
7.4.5 Offset
In order to obtain a perfect linearization of the instrument, it is recommended to make an
adjustment of the zero offset each time an installation is performed.
The flow rate must be zero, that is, the liquid inside the pipe where the flowmeter is
installed should be completely stopped. Furthermore, a completely full pipe is necessary
in order to make an effective adjustment.
When the option Offset is selected, the following screen is shown:
When the flow rate is stable, press the key (Enter) and the instrument will save the value.
7.5 Outputs
This screen allows to program the four outputs of the instrument: Relay 1, Relay 2 pulses
and analog output (4-20 mA).
Relay 1 and relay 2