Tascam x-48 quick reference guide, Lcd menu – Teac X-48 Quick Start User Manual

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TASCAM X-48 Quick Reference Guide



LCD Menu

PROJ menu


Creates a new project.


Opens an existing project.


Saves the current project.

Save As…

Saves the current project as an another name.


Deletes an existing project.


Copy an existing project.

DISK menu

Free Space

See free drive space.

Quick Format

Format external drive.

INP 1-24 menu

IO Card Select 1-8

Selects input source by 8 channels(input 1-8).

Input Routing 1-8

Set input routing for track 1-8.

IO Card Select 9-16

Selects input source by 8 channels(input 9-16).

Input Routing 9-16

Set input routing for track 9-16.

IO Card Select 17-24

Selects input source by 8 channels(input 17-24).

Input Routing 17-24

Set input routing for track 17-24.

INP 25-48 menu

IO Card Select 25-32

Selects input source by 8 channels(input 25-32).

Input Routing 25-32

Set input routing for track 25-32.

IO Card Select 33-40

Selects input source by 8 channels(input 33-40).

Input Routing 33-40

Set input routing for track 33-40.

IO Card Select 41-48

Selects input source by 8 channels(input 41-48).

Input Routing 41-48

Set input routing for track 41-48.

SYNC menu

Sample Rate

Sets a sample rate.

Sample Clock Source

Sets audio clock source.

BNC Clock In

Sets a type of the WORD IN clock frequency.

BNC Clock Out

Sets a type of the WORD OUT clock frequency.

Word Out Polarity

Sets a polarity of the WORD OUT clock.

Frame Rate

Sets a timecode frame type.



Sets a timecode chase mode.

Output Muting

Sets a type of timecode output muting.



Sets a freewheel length for timecode chase

Chase Relock

Sets a relock condition for timecode chase



Sets timecode offset when chasing

Resolve to Video In

Have frame edge of the timecode output resolve to the edge of VIDEO IN signal.

Chase Lock Deviation

Displays difference of the internal timecode and the timecode input.

PREF menu

Auto Chase

Enable/Disable Auto Chase.

One Button Record

Choose record operation('REC' or 'REC+PLAY')

One Button Rehearse

Choose rehearse operation('REC' or 'REC+PLAY')

Update Punch Points

Enable/Disable updating Punch In/Out points by manual punch in/out operation.

Track Key Punch

Enable/Disable punch in/out by track arming button 1-48.

Use Pre/Post-Roll

Enable/Disable Pre/Post-roll.


Sets a Pre-roll time.


Sets a Post-roll time.

TimeCode Display

Changes the unit of time display.