Teac US-224 Optimization Tips for Mac User Manual
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network, or if it is connected to an Ethernet network but the network hub is turned off. The Apple
Enet extension can cause audio dropouts as it periodically polls for a non-existent Ethernet
3. If you wish to use Ethernet networking while playing audio through the US-428, you will
generally need to use an audio latency of 512 or larger. A 256-sample latency may work on
some systems with extremely fast processors. In all cases you should disable the ‘Apple Enet’
extension if your computer is not connected to a functioning Ethernet network.
4. The Release 3.0.5 drivers contain a improved buffering algorithm that improves operation at
the 128 and 256 latency settings. They also correct a rare problem that showed up for certain
users of virtual memory in the 3.0 drivers. The Release 3.0.5 drivers are recommended for all
users and all Macintosh configurations.
5. The Monitor Color Depth setting available from the Monitors control panel may impact available
audio latencies on certain computers, especially those models without hardware graphics
acceleration. Use ‘256 Colors’ for your Monitor to provide the best protection against audio
dropouts when using small audio latencies.