SVSi VMT-105 User Manual
Page 6

Make Sure all of the ‘Allow Multicast’ Ports are checked (advanced users can change this
at a later date if needed)
3. Starting with the first Decoder
A. Double-‐click the Decoder name to bring up the Properties for each Decoder in turn, and do the
General Tab
a. Change the Name of the Device
b. Decide if you want to Audio enabled on this Decoder by selecting the check box
at the bottom of the screen.
Serial Port
a. If using the on-‐board RS-‐232 Port, configure your port settings as needed.
Testing of RS-‐232 Commands is covered later in this document
a. Configure the IP Address of the Decoder. Follow the same steps as setting the IP
Address for the Encoders.
Click ‘Save’
a. At this point, you may lose connectivity to the device as it resets its IP Address.
Continue to the rest of the devices before changing your laptop’s IP Address.
4. If Needed – Change your laptop’s IP Address.
A. If you changed the IP Address of the Encoders and Decoder to something other than default,
then you will need to reset your computers IP Address to match.
Step 8: Working with the Matrix
Your matrix should now look similar to the matrix pictured below. There are several modes for each Encoder
and Decoder that will help you setup your video matrix. To change a device’s mode, do the following.
1. Double click on the Encoder or Decoder.
2. Under the ‘Basic Settings’ tab, use the drop-‐menu to the right of the ‘Name’ box
3. Select the Desired Mode. In Host Play, or Local Play (explained below) you must also choose one of the
The Various Modes for each device are as follows:
1. Encoder