Accessing n-command, Enable third-party control, For multiple processors/brands – SVSi N8000 Control API User Manual
Page 2: System setup using push notifications

N8000 Series Direct Control API
Accessing N-Command
The SVSi N-Command N8012 has all the functionality of the N8002. It also operates as an enterprise-level
controller and includes redundant back-up power supply, mirrored SSD drives, and fail-over protocol for use with
master/slave configurations.
IP Addresses
Eth0 port:
Eth1 port:
18” x 17.5” x 3.5”
30 pounds
Rack-Mount Unit
Accessing N-Command
N-Command has a web-based interface. To access the interface, open a web browser and navigate to the unit’s IP
address. SVSi recommends Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for this.
Default Username: admin
Default Password: password
Enable Third-Party Control
The control system will need to establish a single persistent socket connection between the control system and the
N-Command unit. The socket needs to connect to port 50020.
For Multiple Processors/Brands
There is virtually no limit to the number of connections that can be established between third-party control systems
and the N-Command units. However, it is recommended if an application will require greater than 80 connections
that a second unit be purchased for load balancing applications or master/slave setups. Please contact technical
support about your application if you have questions about this process.
System Setup Using Push Notifications
N-Command supports push notification systems for third-party control systems as well as raw socket (versus
telnet) connections. The advantages of this include:
No polling needed. When N-Command detects a change in one of the monitored fields, the unit sends a
notice to the third-party control system with the update for the unit.
Simplified status packets for all monitored devices. Status packets contain all relevant information for sys-
tem operation and monitoring. Details are provided in the tables found later in this document.
Note: The video, keyboard, mouse and additional ports on the back of the unit are not used for
daily operation. You will not be able to access the N-Command software from the unit directly.
There is no need to attach a keyboard/mouse or monitor to the unit.