2 typical uses – Super Systems CarbCALC II User Manual

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CarbCalc II


© 2005,2006,2007 Super Systems Inc.


Typical Uses

In Simulation mode, CabcalcII is used to develop Batch Carburizing Segment recipes.


Up to 8 segments may be modeled.


For each segment, define the Segment Name, Temperature, Carbon and End-Of-Segment (EOS)


EOS types are:

1. Timed - ends after a specified time.
2. Match Surface Carbon - ends when Surface Carbon matches the Target Surface Carbon.
3. Match Carbon at a specified depth - ends when Diffused Carbon matches Carbon at a
specified depth.
4. Auto Boost - ends when the amount of excess carbon near the surface exceeds the deficient
carbon at depth.
5. Auto Diffuse - ends when the deviation between the diffused profile and the target profile is
minimized (curve matching).


Model Temperature units may be displayed in Celsius of Fahrenheit and Measurement units in
inches or mm.


Probe Factors may use either the CO Factor or the Process Factor (typical to Marathon
Instruments) .


The Type of Material may be selected from a Material Database.


The Initial Carbon Profile is based on the material selected and is assumed to be uniform.


The Initial Carbon Profile may be customized based on 10 points - useful for modeling "Rework"


The Target Profile (up to 10 points) may be specified or you can request a recommended profile
based on Surface Carbon, Carbon at Effective Case Depth and Carbon at total Case Depth.


After starting the simulation, it may be paused at any time. You can also set it to "AutoPause" at the
end of each segment.

In RealTime Control mode, CarbCalcII is connected to a Carbon Controller and a Temperature
Controller and is used to Control a running Batch Furnace Carb Cycle.


A simple Load Entry system is used


The Segment display represents the Carb Cycle Recipe.


The Time vs Temperature and Carbon chart displays both the Setpoints and Actual values for
Temperature and Carbon.


The Carbon Profile is based on actual data from the instruments.


Instrument communication data sources are easily configured from within the application and saved
in a "Furnace" file.

In Monitor/Replay mode, CarbCalcII is used to reproduce a cycle based on a Furnace Load and the
data logged by the SuperSystems communications datalogger. This mode is useful in analyzing a
comparing a cycle profile with the actual Profile from Lab results.· Display is similar to RealTime mode
but the data source is from the historical logged data.


Model runs at high speed similar to simulation mode.


Model may be paused, stopped or restarted at any time.


Target profile may be used to compare actual Lab measured profile for comparison with the model


Analysis may be helpful in "Tuning" the recipe to achieve more precise results.