Super Systems CarbCALC II User Manual
Page 7

CarbCalc II
© 2005,2006,2007 Super Systems Inc.
Initial carbon profile
CARBCALCII takes as many factors as possible into account for the accurate prediction of (1) transfer
of carbon between gas and steel surface, and (2) diffusion of carbon within the steel.
Possible uses for CARBCALCII include:
Computer-aided design of heat treatment processes
Optimization of existing cycles
"What if" analysis when a change in an existing process or material is contemplated
Reconstruction of the effects that an out-of-control process may have had on a load
Education of personnel in the intricacies of atmosphere processing
Real-Time control with an on-line process
CARBCALCII can pay for itself quickly because process development experiments can be carried out
quickly on the computer instead of weeks in a furnace. When a trial is finally made in the furnace, the
results will be reasonably close to those predicted by the software.
CARBCALCII has thee main operating modes:
RealTime Control
3. Monitor/Replay
The object in all cases is to accurately predict the diffusion gradient that carbon establishes in a given
material from a given set of processing parameters.
SIMULATION allows construction of a diffusion gradient from complex a set of processing
parameters. For example, in a batch integral quench furnace, one might be interested in the following
Come to Heat
Boost Carburize
Diffuse Carburize
Equalize for Quench
Brief Exposure to Vestibule Atmosphere
REALTIME CONTROL - CarbCalcII is able to connect to "dumb controllers" via SuperData
communications. In this mode, CarbCalcII becomes the "Recipe Programmer" and sends setpoints to
the Temperature and Carbon Controllers.
MONITOR/REPLAY is used to view the Carbon Profile for load cycles previously run or currently
running and logged in SuperData. This mode can be integrated with BatchMaster furnace control