Super Systems 9210 Series User Manual

Page 38

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M4557 - Model 9210 Nitriding Controller

SSi Manual SERIES 9210-M4557-Nitriding

Page 38 of 38

Analog Input Board Setup

This menu is not used with the Nitrider Control system and should be ignored.

PLC Calibration

This menu is only used with the Nitrider Control system when the PLC is handling the gas flow readings and

control. Contact SSI at 800-666-4330 for assistance with this feature. Press the appropriate button to
select that gas valve – i.e., press H2 for the H2 valve. The selected valve will be displayed at the top of

the screen.

The first section is for the Setpoint Output. All of

the buttons in both sections function identically.

Press the Zero button to set the zero value. The

text above the buttons will read “Enter measured
Zero value (mA) and press calibrate”. Press the

Span button to set the span value. The text above

the buttons will read “Enter measured Span value

(mA) and press calibrate”. Press the Cancel button

to cancel the zero or span process. Press the

Nominal button to set nominal values for the
Setpoint Output. This will display a message box:

“Set nominal zero values. Are you sure?” Press the

Yes button to set the nominal values, or press the

No button to cancel the nominal value set. Press

the Edit button to display a numeric keypad that will

allow the user to edit the zero or span value. This
can range from 0.00 to 32767.00. Press the

Calibrate button to begin the calibration process. This will display a message: “Begin Calibration. Are you

sure?” Press the Yes button to begin the calibration process, or press the No button to cancel the

calibration process.

The second section is for the Flow Input. Press the Zero button to set the zero value. The text above the
buttons will read “Enter observed Zero flow value and press calibrate”. Press the Span button to set the

span value. The text above the buttons will read “Enter observed Span flow value and press calibrate”.

Press the Cancel button to cancel the zero or span process. Press the Nominal button to set nominal

values for the Setpoint Output. This will display a message box: “Set nominal zero values. Are you sure?”

Press the Yes button to set the nominal values, or press the No button to cancel the nominal value set.

Press the Edit button to display a numeric keypad that will allow the user to edit the zero or span value.
This can range from 0.00 to 32767.00. Press the Calibrate button to begin the calibration process. This

will display a message: “Begin Calibration. Are

you sure?” Press the Yes button to begin the

calibration process, or press the No button to

cancel the calibration process.

Press the Done button to return to the



Adam Correction

This menu is only used with the Nitrider Control

system that utilizes an ADAM module for Load
Thermocouples. Contact SSI at 800-666-4330

for assistance with this feature. The ADAM

module offset correction menu option gives the