Super Systems 9210 Series User Manual
Page 17

M4557 - Model 9210 Nitriding Controller
SSi Manual SERIES 9210-M4557-Nitriding
Page 17 of 17
Program Display
Pressing the Program key
displays the default program
status page.
This screen displays the
following information:
• Program No. – the last
program number loaded
into the program run
• Status – Displays if the
program is running, in
hold or stopped.
• Remaining Time Step –
Time remaining in the
current step
• Total – Total run time
of the current program
• Program listing – displays all 24 steps for the program. If the program is running the active step
number is highlighted.
NOTE: See “Sample Recipes” at the back of this manual for Recipes “50”, “51” and “60”.
The Program display has six active buttons located on the right-side of the display. These are activated by
touching the inside of the blocks. The active buttons are: Soak Adjust, Load, Stop, Hold, Cont, Alm
Ack (Alarm Acknowledge) and Esc.
• The Soak Adjust button allows you to enter a new value for the time remaining in the current
soak cycle. A soak cycle must be running for a change in soak time to be adjusted.
• The Load button allows the operator to enter the recipe number to be run and to view the
recipe before pushing the Run button. Pushing the Run button starts the recipe. If a recipe
program is running and the operator enters a new recipe program, it can be viewed and
modified. The recipe does not become active until the Run button is pushed. Pressing Run
places the program currently being viewed in the active memory and will begin to run the new
recipe. You can start the program in any step simply by moving the highlight down to the step
that that the program needs to be started in, and then pressing the Run button.
While reviewing the program that is about to be run, certain parameters within those steps can
be modified. You can change the set points, the time and the options. You CANNOT delete a
step, or modify its Op Code.
• The Stop button stops the recipe program that is currently running. Stop means exactly that.
It stops the program. It is NOT a hold button. See Hold below. To re-start the program if it
has been stopped, you must use the Load button, enter the recipe number, and then enter the
segment number of the recipe that you want to start with.
• The Hold button places the displayed recipe program in “hold”. Once a decision is made that
affects the recipe it may be continued by pressing the Cont button.
• The Cont button re-starts the displayed (active) recipe only after it has been placed in Hold.