Super Systems 9210 Series User Manual

Page 13

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M4557 - Model 9210 Nitriding Controller

SSi Manual SERIES 9210-M4557-Nitriding

Page 13 of 13

Loops Display

The current process variable for the active loops is
displayed on the left. The setpoint for each

parameter is to the right of the process variable, with

the % control output to the right of the setpoint


The “loops” screen also allows you to move back to
the default “Status” screen. By pressing the “status”

button on the bottom right-hand side of the operator

interface. Pressing the Program button will open the

“Program” screen.

Temp Detail
This screen is activated by pressing the Temp Detail button on the Loops Display screen.
The operator can change the temperature
setpoint by touching the temperature setpoint

on the screen next to the words “Setpoint”.

When pressing the setpoint box, a numeric

keypad is displayed, showing the current value

and allowing you to enter a new setpoint by

simply pressing on the appropriate numeric
keys. Once the correct setpoint has been

entered, press the Enter key to make the

change. When the Enter key is pressed, the

display returns to the “Temperature Detail”

screen. The other active buttons -
Auto/Manual and Output - are used in the

same way. Pressing the Auto/Manual button

will cycle the controller mode between auto and

manual. Depending on the current Login, the

screen may prompt for the Supervisor or Administrator password before the mode can be changed.

Pressing the Output button displays an alphanumeric keypad that allows the operator to change the %
Output (as long as the controller mode as been changed to manual. Entering the % output (while in

manual mode) changes the % control output. This is especially useful when setting the linkage on motors,

or testing the range of motion of an electric actuator.
The Temp, % Dissociation and Back Pressure detail screens are used in the manner discussed above.