Super Systems MGA6000 User Manual
Page 12

SSi Manual #4563 Rev. D Page 12 Multi-Gas Model 6000
Pump Control - Menu Page 4
The pump control page is used to set the pump mode. The
sample pump mode can be changed from OFF to AUTO
SAMPLE by pressing the circular arrow key. AUTO
SAMPLE mode will automatically turn the pump on and off
based on the conditions described in the
menu (menu option 17).
Note: This menu
screen is the only location to change the mode of the pump
Also shown is the relative flow rate of the sample by a fuel
gauge in the left-hand side of the screen. There is also a
traditional flow meter located in the door of the MGA.
Although the flow indicator on the screen has been
calibrated at the factory, the most accurate flow measurements should be taken with the flow meter on the
front of the analyzer.
Example – the following will show how to change the pump status to Auto Sample. When the screen first
displays, the pump status field is already highlighted, displaying the word “OFF”. Press the circular arrow
key to change the pump status to Auto Sample.
Set Display Values – Menu Page 5
The Set Display Values screen is used to adjust the display
values. The brightness and contrast values are factory set
to 51%, which should be appropriate for most viewing
conditions. The values can range from 0 to 100(%) if
desired. Also shown on this page is the Back light ON
Time. This is a power saving feature that will enhance
battery life by turning the backlight off if no buttons are
pressed within a pre-determined number of minutes.
When it turns off, the instrument still fully operates, but
the display is more difficult to read. To restore the
backlight, press any key. The backlight is factory set to 15
minutes. To disable this function, enter a value of 0 in this
field and the backlight will always be on. The maximum
number of minutes allowed is 240.
Note – the brightness and contrast levels are displayed and entered as a
percentage, while the back light ON time is displayed and entered in number of minutes
The MGA 6000 comes equipped with an internal cooler that can control the internal temperature of the
instrument. The Cooler ON temperature and the Cooler OFF temperature can contain values ranging from 0
to 122 degrees when degrees Fahrenheit is selected, or 0 to 52 degrees, when degrees Celsius is selected.
The Cooler ON and Cooler OFF temperatures are not updated if the temperature mode is switched from
Fahrenheit to Celsius or vice-versa. Therefore, the user will have to manually change the temperatures to
reflect the new temperature mode. The Cooler action line will display one of three messages:
Cooler Always
Cooler Always OFF
, or
Control Hys xx
is the difference between the Cooler ON temperature
and the Cooler OFF temperature. “Hys” is an abbreviation for hysteresis, which is the difference between
the on and off temperatures. If the ON temperature is less than or equal to the OFF temperature, then the
cooler will always be on and the Cooler action label will read
Cooler Always ON
. If the ON temperature is
greater than the OFF temperature, then the cooler will turn on when the internal temperature rises above
the Cooler ON temperature, and the cooler will turn off when the internal temperature falls below the Cooler
OFF temperature. If the ON temperature is set above 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or 50 degrees Celsius, then
the cooler will always be off and the Cooler action line will read
Cooler Always Off
Note – If the OFF