Prerequisites, The kit, Building the example – Sundance SMT387 User Manual

Page 30: Prerequisites the kit building the example

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Version 1.0.3

Page 30 of 42

SMT387 User Manual


1. To run the example you will need:

• The Sundance board support package (SMT6025).
• The Diamond Windows Server. This is made available as part of the

installation of Diamond. This part of the product can also be installed
using a kit contained in newer versions of Diamond. The kit can be
included in distributions of the Logger under simple licence conditions.

2. To modify and rebuild the DSP application you will need:

• Diamond
• The Texas Instruments C6000 tools (compiler and linker)

3. To modify and rebuild the user interface you will need:

• Microsoft Visual C++

The Kit

The distribution kit contains a number of files in several directories. Copy the
complete contents of the kit into a working directory, which this document will assume
is called Logger.

Building the Example

The Logger directory contains a makefile that will build the complete application
(see Prerequisites). The directory Logger\DSP contains a makefile that will build only
the DSP portion ( Note that the Microsoft VC++ compiler may object to
the existing intermediate files (and complain about precompiled headers). This can
be cured by selecting the VC++ option Build/Clean and then rebuilding the

The DSP configuration is specified in the file Logger\DSP\Logger.cfg. The Root
processor is currently identified as an SMT361 because the SMT387 has not been
included in the standard Diamond release. The type of the Node processor is not
particularly significant, as any Sundance TIM with one or two SDBs may be used.
The application in the kit has been built assuming an SMT376; you will need to
modify Logger\DSP\Logger.cfg and reconfigure the application if a different type of
TIM is to be used.