Constraint file signal names – Sundance SMT387 User Manual
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Version 1.0.3
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SMT387 User Manual
Constraint File Signal Names
According to the
SUNDANCE SHB specification
, 5 Byte-interfaces (from 0 to 4) can
be implemented on the 60 pins of a SHB connector. Each Byte interface has its own
The signal names going from the FPGA to the SHB connector use the configuration
of 2 SDB interfaces.
So, when in Half Word configuration:
• 16-bit data D(0 to 15)
• CLK0 is borrowed from Byte configuration 0, WEN1, REQ1 and ACK1 are
borrowed from Byte configuration 1 to make configuration SDBA control
signals and
• CLK3 is borrowed from Byte configuration 3, WEN4, REQ4 ACK4 are
borrowed from Byte configuration 4 to make configuration SDBB control
The SHB connector is J2. (See
Figure 10: SMT387 Components placement-Top view)
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