Appendix d: programming – Sensoray 425 User Manual

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Sensoray Model 425 Instruction Manual

Appendix D: Programming

Sample Visual Basic and C/C++ code segments are
included on the 425 distribution diskette. If you are
coding your application in a language other than Visual
Basic or C/C++, you may find these listings useful as a
framework for writing your own drivers.

Although intended as programming examples, these
listings may be used as is (or with minor modification)
as a basic set of interface drivers for the 425. In
particular, the C/C++ listing may be easily converted to

a dynamic link library for use with a Windows-based

Feel free to modify, plagiarize and adapt these listings
to suit your application requirements. Although these
sample listings are believed to be complete and
functionally correct, no responsibility is assumed by
Sensoray for typographic or other errors contained
herein. Note that these listings, and other related
information, may be available in electronic form at
Sensoray’s internet FTP site.