Research Concepts RC2000A User Manual
Page 8

* The azimuth and elevation angle display system has been modified to accept negative offset values,
and the definition of the angle display scale factors has been modified. The scale.exe PC program
was replaced with scale2.exe.
* The azimuth slow speed system is essentially disabled if the AZIM SLOW SPEED is set to 254. The
elevation slow speed system is disabled if the ELEV SLOW SPEED is set to 254.
* The routine which prompts the user to enter the alphanumeric characters for a user-defined satellite
name in SETUP mode has been modified to allow the user to select the hyphen (-) character.
* Whenever the baud rate is changed (either via CONFIG mode or as part of a system reset) the
microcontroller's internal baud rate select registers are re-initialized so that it is not necessary to
power the controller down and back up to have the baud rate change take effect.
* The EPROM for this version of the software may be used in systems currently running 1.30 code with
minimal reconfiguration. The non-volatile memory map has not changed from 1.30. The definition of
the Azim Scale Factor and Elev Scale Factor has changed, however. When upgrading a system
running version 1.30 software, these two values should be increased by a factor of 10 (i.e. if the
Azim Scale Factor in a system running v 1.30 software is 19, the Azim Scale Factor should be
changed to 190 when upgrading to version 1.31).
* All versions of the controller can run this version of the software. Note that for controllers running v
1.21 (or earlier) software it is necessary to use the RC2KD or RC2KE programmable logic device
* A problem with Expert Access which did not allow a user to correct an item that did not contain valid
data was corrected.
* A problem with the computer control routine was corrected; it will now send an NAK (negative
acknowledgement) if a command is received that did not contain a valid command code or if the
length of the message was not appropriate for the command code contained in the message.
* The routine which interprets the azimuth and elevation fast and slow deadband CONFIG mode items
has been corrected.
* The software has been modified so that it can be compiled to support either the RC2KPOL
polarization control option (version 1.40) or the RC2KHPP polarization control option (version 1.41).
* The POL SENSOR and POL JAMMED alarm messages have been replaced by the ANTENNA POL
alarm message.
* RESET mode has been modified to display polarization status information (JAMMED, SENSOR
(backwards movement of the pot), and DRIVE (over-current)). The DRIVE error will not display for
the standard rotating feed drive. Status codes are not displayed in RESET mode.
* The reply to the REMOTE MODE status poll command has been changed slightly.
2.2.98 v 1.50 / v1.51
Effective S/N 2129
The satellite list has been upgraded.
The controller’s keypad/overlay has been changed. The key which was formerly labeled EAST is now
labeled CCW and the key which was formerly labeled WEST is now labeled CW. The LIMITS mode
prompts have been changed. The user is now prompted to set the CCW and CW limits. The manual
has also been changed to replace references to the EAST and WEST keys with CCW and CW,
The software has been modified to work with digital boards that have the watchdog timer jumper.