1 sticky key jog, 2 signal strength display from manual mode, 3 new config mode items – Research Concepts RC2000A User Manual
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RC2000A Dual Axis Antenna Controller
Appendix I
2.6x Addendum
5. The controller now displays signal strength information received via the AGC1 (automatic gain
control channel 1) and AGC2 inputs. In MANUAL mode the user can use the Scroll Up/Down keys
to display either the signal present at the AGC1 input, the AGC2, or the strongest signal on
AGC1/AGC2. See section 4.2 for more information.
6. The following CONFIG mode items have been added …
AGC Polarity Flag, AGC C Band Threshold, AGC K Band Threshold – these items are related to
signal strength display (section 2) and the peakup system (section 3),
Peakup Enable, C Band Az Step Size, C Band El Step Size, K Band Az Step Size, K Band El Step
Size, Peakup Holdoff Interval – these items configure the peakup system (section 3),
Polarization Motor CCW Limit, Polarization Motor CW Limit, Azimuth CW Limit, Azimuth Position,
Elevation Up Limit, and Elevation Position. See section 4.3 for more information on these CONFIG
mode items.
7. Enhanced support for various types of polarization control devices. See section 4.4.
8. With version 1.6x of the RC2000A software, a feature was added that allows the user to disable
azimuth and elevation runaway alarms. That feature is documented in section 4.5.
Section 4.6 provides information for users upgrading from a previous version of the software.
4.1 Sticky Key Jog
The controller has been modified to support a feature referred to as Sticky Key Jog. This feature is
sometimes useful during antenna setup and while cutting antenna patterns. With Sticky Key Jog, in
MANUAL mode, an az/el jog is initiated by hitting the Az CCW, Az CW, El Down, or El Up keys. Once a
sticky key jog is initiated it will continue until the user hits the Stop key, the antenna encounters a limit,
or the controller exits MANUAL mode.
To activate a Sticky Key Jog, at the CONFIG mode Expert Access prompt enter 50562. Control will
immediately transfer to MANUAL mode. The Sticky Key Jog will be enabled until the user exits
MANUAL mode by hitting the Mode key, the controller is powered down, or a remote command is
received that causes activation of REMOTE mode.
4.2 Signal Strength Display From Manual Mode
The controller now displays signal strength in MANUAL, SETUP, LIMIT, and REMOTE modes. The
signal strength value is derived from the analog voltages presented to the controller’s AGC1 and AGC2
inputs. Section 2 of this addendum describes the configuration and calibration of the controller’s signal
strength display.
Normally, the controller displays the signal strength of the AGC input with the greatest signal strength.
In MANUAL mode the Scroll Up/Down keys can be hit to select the quantity displayed to the right of the
‘S:’ banner. The controller accepts two channels of AGC input, referred to as AGC1 and AGC2. Hitting
the Scroll Up or Scroll Down keys causes the S: banner to toggle between ‘1:’ (AGC1 channel
displayed), ‘2:’ (AGC2 channel displayed), and ‘S:’ (the greater of AGC1 or AGC2 displayed).
4.3 New CONFIG Mode Items
Several new CONFIG mode items have been defined to support the upload and download of the
controller’s non-volatile memory. All of the following CONFIG items specify data that can be be entered
via other modes.
Pol CCW Limit and Pol CW Limit
These items can also be specified via POL LIMITS mode if a rotating feed is present (Pol Control set to
One Port or Two Port).
Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA www.researchconcepts.com