9 simultaneous azimuth and elevation movement, 10 installation and setup checklist, Simultaneous azimuth and elevation movement – Research Concepts RC2000A User Manual

Page 31: Installation and setup checklist

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RC2000A Dual Axis Antenna Controller Chapter




Here is the procedure for installing and configuring the AutoPol feature:

1. Identify an output on the receiver, which can be used to drive the AutoPol input on the RC2000A.

Note if a high level output corresponds to V polarization or H polarization.

2. Connect the AutoPol input as shown in figures 3.2 or 3.3.

3. Go to CONFIG mode, use the SCROLL UP and SCROLL DOWN keys to bring up the 'AutoPol

Enable' prompt, and key in 1 followed by the ENTER key to enable the AutoPol function.

4. While in CONFIG mode, use the SCROLL UP and SCROLL DOWN keys to bring up the 'AutoPol

Vpol Level' item. If a high level corresponds to vertical polarization, key in 1 followed by the ENTER
key. If a high level corresponds to horizontal polarization, key in 0 followed by the ENTER key.

5. Go to MANUAL mode and verify that the AutoPol feature works properly. In MANUAL mode, when

the AutoPol feature is active the polarization display banner reads 'RCV:' rather than 'POL:'.

3.9 Simultaneous Azimuth and Elevation Movement

The RC2000A has the capability to move the azimuth and elevation axis actuators simultaneously
during AUTO mode moves. The use of this feature is subject to a limitation in that the total current draw
for both 36 volt actuators combined cannot exceed 8 amps. If this requirement is satisfied over all
operating conditions, simultaneous azimuth and elevation movement can be enabled by going to the
CONFIG mode 'Simultaneous Az/El Enable' item and keying in 1 followed by the ENTER key.

3.10 Installation and Setup Checklist

This section gives a summary of the installation and configuration procedure outlined in this chapter.
The summary is presented in the form of a checklist.

1. Before power is applied verify that the line voltage is correct. Check the displayed voltage in the

fuse holder window.

2. Make sure that the memory has been cleared. The controller should come up in LIMITS mode.

3. Make the required electrical connections. A shielded cable must be used for the position sensors

and the shield must be connected at the back of the controller and not at the antenna. Refer to
figures 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3.

4. If the RC2KPOL or the RC2KHPP option is installed (which allows the RC2000A to interface to a

motorized feed with potentiometer feedback), make the required electrical connections for the motor
and sensor, verify the polarity of the motor and the position feedback sensor, and set the
polarization limits. Make sure that when the CCW key is depressed to jog the polarization motor
counter-clockwise, the displayed position count INCREASES. Use caution to avoid damaging the

5. Go to LIMITS mode and verify the motor drive polarity. Set the azimuth ccw, azimuth cw, down, and

up limits. If a modified polar antenna mount is used, get the mount to track the Clarke Belt and set

6. Use the AZIM SLOW and ELEV SLOW modes to set the azimuth and elevation slow speed codes.

7. Go to SETUP mode and program in the satellites. If an az/el mount is used, review section 3.6

which describes a procedure for locating satellites that makes use of the RC2000A's ability to
display azimuth and elevation position in an angle format.

8. If desired, enable the AutoPol feature to slave the controller's polarization control output to a

satellite receiver. A digital output on the receiver must be connected to the AutoPol input of the
controller and the AutoPol feature must be enabled via CONFIG mode.

Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA