Chapter 4 modes in depth function description, 1 manual mode, 2 auto mode – Research Concepts RC2000A User Manual

Page 33: Manual mode, Auto mode

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RC2000A Dual Axis Antenna Controller

Chapter 4




The Operational Mode Group consists of three modes: MANUAL, AUTO, and REMOTE. Programming
Mode Group consists of several modes: LIMITS, SETUP, RESET, AZIM SLOW, ELEV SLOW,
DELETE, RE-SYNC, POL LIMITS and CONFIG. Access to certain modes is controlled by the state of
certain CONFIG mode items and the Expert Access Flag. See section 2.4 for more information on
access to the various modes.



AZ: 1291 EL: 0 POL: 15 H MANUAL

This mode allows the user to manually jog the antenna in azimuth and elevation using the AZ CCW, AZ
CW, DOWN, and UP keys and adjust the polarization using the POL CW and POL CCW keys. The
SPEED key is used to toggle the azimuth and elevation jog speed from fast to slow and vice versa. The
H and V keys will select the preset H and V polarizations for the satellite closest to the antenna's
present position. Polarization control is available in this mode only if the AutoPol feature is disabled.
When AutoPol is enabled, the polarization will be set according to the level present on the H/V input,
and 'RCV:' will be displayed before the polarization position field (instead of 'POL:').

When the antenna is within 45 counts of an azimuth position AND 20 counts of an elevation position of
a satellite, which has been stored in non-volatile memory via SETUP mode, the satellite name will
appear in lower case letters. If the antenna is within 15 azimuth counts and 10 elevation counts of a
stored satellite position, the satellite name will be displayed in capital letters.

The polarization code is displayed to the right of the polarization position display field. When a polarotor
is present in the system, a lower case 'h' or 'v' will be displayed if the polarotor is positioned within 40
degrees of the horizontal or vertical positions, respectively, of the satellite located closest to the
antenna's present position. An upper case 'H' or 'V' will be displayed if a satellite name is displayed in
upper case letters and the polarotor is positioned within 10 degrees of the preset polarization positions
of that satellite.

If the RC2KPOL or RC2KHPP options are installed (which allow the RC2000A to interface to a
motorized feed with potentiometer feedback), the lower case 'h' and 'v' display window is 160
polarization position counts and the upper case 'H' and 'V' display window is 40 polarization position

4.2 AUTO



Satellites which have been stored in the controller's non-volatile memory (via SETUP mode) can be
recalled with AUTO mode. Azimuth, elevation, and H/V polarization data for up to fifty (50) satellites
may be stored in non-volatile memory. When AUTO mode is activated, the SCROLL UP and SCROLL
DOWN keys may be used to scroll through the list of satellites. Depressing the ENTER key initiates an
automatic move to the selected satellite.

When the antenna is moving to the azimuth or elevation position associated with the selected satellite,
the STOP key may be used to stop the antenna's movement. When this occurs the user is prompted to
select another satellite with the SCROLL UP and SCROLL DOWN keys. If the automatic move
continues to completion and the AutoPol feature is disabled, the polarization will be set to the horizontal
position of the satellite which was the target of the automatic move and the mode will change to manual.

If simultaneous azimuth and elevation movement (see CONFIG mode) is enabled, the antenna will
move about the azimuth and elevation axis simultaneously when performing automatic moves.

Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA