General programming information – Orion System MUA II D Controllers Operator Interfaces User Manual
Page 8

Technical Guide
Operator Interfaces
Configuring The Modular Service Tool For
Network Or Stand-Alone Operation
As with the System Manager described previously, you must determine
if the mode displayed is correct for your system. If it is configured for
Stand Alone you will see the words “Stand Alone Mode” on the bottom
line of the display. This is the factory default setting. If you are using
this tool on a system or controller that does not have a CommLink or
MiniLink installed, then this is the correct setting and you can proceed
to desired screen by pressing the menu key or any function key. If you
are using this Service Tool on a communications loop with and have
installed a MiniLink or CommLink II communications interface, then
you need to operate in network mode and the bottom line should dis-
play the words “Network Mode”.
If your display indicates a different mode than the one you need, press
the "Enter" key and the following screen will appear.
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
3) Energy Saving
ESC) Exit Menu
Press the “2” key on the keypad to enter the communications screen.
0) Stand Alone
1) Network System
Enter Mode Of Op:.xx
As the screen indicates, press “0” or “1” keys to select the proper
mode of operation. When you are finished press “Enter” to move
back to the main menu screen.
You Have Changed The
System Mode
Press Any Key To
Setting The Energy Saving Timer
The Modular Service Tool has a built in timer that can be programmed
to shut the Service Tool off after a specified period of time if no buttons
are pressed. This is a very useful feature if you are powering the Service
Tool from the internal batteries. To access this setting from the main
status screen press "Enter".
1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications
3) Energy Saving
ESC) Exit Menu
When this screen appears press the “3” key to access the Energy Saving
screen. The following screen will appear.
Energy Saving
Automatic Power Down
Minutes: xx
Press ESC to Exit
Enter the number of minutes you want the Service Tool to stay active
before it automatically powers down. To cancel the automatic power
down enter “99”. After you have entered this number between 1 and 99
minutes, press “ESC” to exit as the screen instructs you.
Unit Selection
With both the Modular Service Tool and the Modular System Manager
You must enter the ID (Address) of the controller you wish to program
Unit Selection
Enter Unit ID#
Selected ID#: xxxx
With the main menu screen displayed, press the function key associated
with the operation (setpoints, configuration, etc.) you want to perform.
The screen shown above will appear asking you to enter a unit I.D.#
(controller address). Put in the ID# of the controller you wish to com-
municate with then press the “ENTER” key.
If this is Network System (the system has a CommLink), the Unit ID is
actually two separate numbers, combined into one value. The first part
of the number contains the Loop Address at which the controller is
located. The second part of the number contains the actual controller
address. See Examples #1 & #2 below.
If this is a Stand Alone System (system without a CommLink) this will
be a number between 1 and 59. It is recommended the address be set to
1. See example #3 below.
You would like to view the 3rd controller on the 5th loop. Enter “503”
as the Unit ID.
General Programming Information