Orion System MUA II D Controllers Operator Interfaces User Manual

Page 7

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Operator Interfaces

Technical Guide


Modular System Manager

System Manager Initialization Screens

When the System Manager is powered up, the first screen displays the
current version of the software installed in your System Manager and
whether your system is configured for Network or Stand-Alone opera-
tion. The System Manager will try to detect the type of installation you
have by scanning the communications loop. See the screens below. If it
is configured for Stand-Alone operation, only the HVAC unit controller
that the System Manger is connected to is available for programming.
On a Networked System, all controllers on the communications loop
are available for programming by entering their loop address (ID). If an
Interconnected System is connected to the System Manager all control-
lers that are connected to the communication loop are available for pro-

System Manager vX.XX

Wattmaster Controls
Network Mode

System Manager vX.XX
Monday Operations

09/09/99 04:26 PM
Outdoor Air 87



The screen above will appear a few seconds later. If this is a Stand
Alone system, the outdoor air temperature will not be shown on the
display. If you believe your system is incorrectly configured, please fol-
low the instructions that follow. If your system is configured correctly
proceed to the Menu Screens section of this manual.

Configuring The System Manager For Network

Or Stand-Alone Operation

The System Manager can operate as a Stand Alone interface with the
HVAC unit controller and does not require any other communications
devices to read or reset any available values. To verify if it is currently
configured for Stand Alone operation, cycle power to the System Man-
ager and monitor the LCD initialization screen. If it is configured for
Stand Alone you will see the words “Stand Alone Mode” on the bottom
line of the display. If you are using this System Manager on a communi-
cations loop and have installed a MiniLink or CommLink II communi-
cations interface, then you need to operate in Network Mode and the
bottom line should display the words “Network Mode”.

If your display indicates a different mode than the one you need, press
the “Enter” key and the following screen will appear.

1) Set Time & Date
2) Communications

->) Next Menu
ESC) Exit Menu

Press the “2” key on the keypad to enter the communications screen.


Enter Passcode: xxxx

Enter the seven digit passcode “2337377” to access the next screen.
These seven digits spell the word “ADDRESS” on your telephone key-
pad if you forget what they are. Once on the screen shown below, use
the keypad to enter the correct mode for your installation. The screen
will now show “Stand Alone System” or “Multiple MGRS” or “Net-
work System” depending on what you selected.

0) Stand Alone
1-60) Multiple MGRS

63) Network System
Enter Mode Of Op:.xx

Once you have the correct mode displayed, press the ENTER key. The
following screen will appear to telling you that you have changed the
system mode. Press any key on the keyboard to exit this screen.

You Have Changed The
System Mode

Press Any Key To

Modular Service Tool

The Modular Service Tool is very similar to the System Manager in its
operations as stated previously. Two exceptions to this are that the Ser-
vice Tool unlike the System Manager does not check the system to de-
termine whether it should be in Network or Stand Alone Mode and it
does not have any passcoding capability.

After connecting the Service Tool to the controller with the supplied
cable, press the “On” key. The following screen will appear.

Service Tool vX.XX
Monday Operations

09/09/02 04:26 PM
Stand Alone Mode