Draytek 2910 User Manual

Page 135

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Vigor2910 Series User’s Guide



Display the profile name of the account.


Display the domain name or IP address of the SIP registrar


Display the domain name or IP address of the SIP proxy

Account Name

Display the account name of SIP address before @.

Ring Port

Specify which port will ring when receiving a phone call.

STUN Server

Type in the IP address or domain of the STUN server.

External IP

Type in the gateway IP address.

SIP PING interval

The default value is 150sec. It is useful for a Nortel server
NAT Traversal Support.


Show the status for the corresponding SIP account. R means
such account is registered on SIP server successfully. means
the account is failed to register on SIP server.

Profile Name

Assign a name for this profile for identifying. You can type
similar name with the domain. For example, if the domain
name is, then you might set draytel-1 in this field.

Register via

If you want to make VoIP call without register personal
information, please choose None and check the box to achieve
the goal. Some SIP server allows user to use VoIP function
without registering. For such server, please check the box of
make call without register. Choosing Auto is recommended.