Omnia Audio Omnia A/XE User Manual
Page 76
70 | ShOUTcast Streaming
is listening for, but has not yet found a source connection. It is also listening for player
connections, but of course there are, as of yet, none.
Steamcast Configuration
You configure Steamcast by editing the .conf text file. Here, we will show you an example
configuration to work with a typical A/XE application. The text below is from the author
of the software, who includes these comments in his sample .conf file. As you can see, he
carefully explains all of the items. Following is a set-up for up to 16-channel streaming.
; Steamcast Configuration File
; ================================
; This is the default Steamcast server configuration file, feel free to use
; it as a template for your server’s configuration. All lines beginning with ;
; or blank are ignored by the server’s configuration parser.
; Server Configuration
; ====================
; PortBase [*8000]: The port that Steamcast will listen for connections on, generally it is
; acceptable to just leave this at the default, change it if you use port
; 8000 and/or 8001 for some other server. Ports < 1024 are reserved, so try to
; stay above that.
; MaxUser: The maximum amount of streaming clients Steamcast should
; handle, this is a global setting for all multimedia connections. Set this
; to a smart number. Setting this too high could cause your network connection
; to be flooded and cause real problems for all end users. In 0.9.7 this configuration
; option became optional. Set this to set hard limits on max listener counts, otherwise
; cumulative SourceUserMax will be used to determine the overall UserMax.
; MaxBandwidth: This is the maximum amount of out-going bandwidth allowed by Steamcast
; in units of kilo-bits per second. This is a soft limit so it is possible for the server to exceed this
; limit due to the average bandwidth system some enforcement latency may occur as well. A
; setting of zero disables this feature.
; MaxBandwidth=0
; IPMaxUser [*0]: The maximum amount of streaming clients Steamcast should
; handle per IP, this is a global setting for all multimedia connections.
; A setting of 0 disables this feature.
; IPMaxUser=0
; LogFile [None|*steamcast.log]: The location you would like Steamcast to store
; it’s log file, setting this to ‘None’ or blank disables this feature. You can use use variable
; templates to control the name of the log in real time. View the Readme for a full list of
; variables available. Ex: %m-%d-%Y-steamcast.log to have steamcast create a different log
; every day.
; MimeFile [None|*mime.types]: The location of your mime types file. The mime types file is
; critical in the implementation and usage of the on-demand capabilities of the server. This file
; also enables steamcast’s auto extension feature so that the server will assign the correct
; extension to your mount points based on the audio format/codec in use.
; BanFile [None|*steamcast.ban]: Use this variable to specify the location of your ban file. The
; ban file contains information about pre-existing bans. If the ban file does not exist, steamcast
; will attempt to create it. A setting of None disables saving or loading of ban information.
; VipFile [None|*]: The file used to load pre-existing vip information. VIP’s are