Installation, Wiring installation – Montigo EDVPV47 User Manual
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f i r e f e a t u r e
EDVPV47-58 Power Vent System
Part No. XG0700 - 090909
Montigo will not be held responsible for any water damage
that may occur from not installing the equipment as specified
by this document.
Figure 11. Conduit and Wiring Clearances.
Wiring Installation
Connect the wiring to the external power vent termination as outlined
in the previous section, and connect the wiring to the fireplace as
outlined in the schematic below. Ensure that the proper clearances are
maintaned for the wiring and conduit.
When installing the wiring it must never run above the vent run
and it must be at least 1" clear of all venting.
1" min.
Figure 12. Wiring Diagram for Optional 24V to Millivolt Relay.
Milivolt wiring
to Valve
24V wiring from
PV System
Inner direct vent pipe
6. Install and screw the frame asssembly in place, and ensure that
the frame is level.
7. Install the termination to the frame assembly by first connecting
Figure 10.
Securing the Termination to the Frame Asssembly.
Figure 10a.
Installing the Sealing Ring.
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