Application examples – MacroSystem Columbus 2 User Manual

Page 18

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1 Columbus 2

5. Application examples

We recommend you work through the following
application examples in order to familiarize
yourself with how Columbus 2 works.
The example exercises and tips do not of course
relate to all the functions included in the pro-
gram. However, they do provide you with a
good starting point, so that you can also use the
other functions easily with a little practice.
For details on the functions of individual buttons
and controls, please refer to the previous chap-
The examples have been specially put together
for newcomers to the program and therefore
introduce you slowly to the various controls.
Afterwards, we recommend you try out your
own ideas.

5.1 Creating a route

In this example you will learn how to operate the
Columbus 2 program, how to use simple effects
and how to create a simple route traced out by a
hand symbol.
Open the Edit menu and select a map of Africa
that you have imported yourself or use a map of
Africa from the Xpress-Maps 1 and 2 programs
(image pool).
Open the Special menu, select Columbus 2, set
the mode to Video Ext. and click on Start pro-
You will now see your map in full-screen mode
and the Columbus 2 toolbar appears in the fore-

If you have already changed some of the pro-
gram settings before, please click on the Default
button and answer the confirmation request
with Yes.
You will see a yellow diagonal line that has a
starting point and a finishing point each indica-
ted by a red Pin 2.
Now click once on the green starting point (on
the left) so that it turns blue. You can now move
it by rolling the trackball. Position the point
anywhere near the left edge of the screen, for
example over the city of Casablanca, and then
click on the left trackball button again to confirm
the new position.
Next, click twice on the finishing point so that
it first turns green and then blue. You can now
move it to a city near the right edge of the
screen (e.g. on Cairo). Afterwards, confirm the
new position by clicking on the left button again.
Next, position the trackball pointer over any po-
sition along the yellow line and click on the left
trackball button. You will see that a new point
has been set. Repeat this procedure a few more
times until you have set several points evenly
distributed along the line.
Now click on one of the points that you have
just set. If it is red, click on it twice so that if first
turns green and then blue. If it is already green
(i.e. active), just click on it once.
The blue point can now be repositioned in the
same way as the starting and finishing points.
Reposition the points one after another on your
map so that you create a few stopovers in other
cities (e.g. Dakar, Lagos, Nairobi and
Addis Ababa).