MacroSystem Columbus 2 User Manual
Page 11

display area.
Zoom allows you to define the map detail
displayed. You can use the Horizontal slider to
move horizontally on the map and the Vertical
slider to move vertically. If you have selected a
map zoom setting that no longer allows horizon-
tal and/or vertical movement, you can still move
the slider but it will always jump back to a value
of 0.
3.6 Global settings menu
This is where you will find various global set-
tings, i.e. those settings that apply to the entire
project and not to individual points.
You can use the Global settings selection button
to access the various settings.
3.6.1 Line type path
Here, under Draw path, you can first of all con-
figure whether you want a growing line to be
drawn. If you do, you can then select the Line
type (solid or various dashed lines), the Line
width and Line color.
If you have configured the setting so that a line
path is not traced out, you will see a thin gray-
ish-white line appear instead to indicate where
the path is. This will of course be left out when
the calculations are carried out later on. Even
if the time control in the top right of this menu
(see Chapter 3.7) is not set to maximum, the da-
shed display will still be chosen for the scene‘s
remaining time.
3.6.2 Line type route
If you activate the Draw route button, the route
will already be drawn in at the very beginning of
the path animation and the line will then be fil-
led in with color. You can define the color using
the Line color button.
3.6.3 Text attributes
You can use any font installed on your system
when working with Columbus 2 (except for
DEMO fonts).
Under the Select font style/size setting, you can
configure the font type and size. You can use
Font color to set the color in which the font will
be displayed. Outline can be used to draw a bor-
der around the letters (the outline strength can
be adjusted) and the Outline color allows you
to select its color. Changes to the text design
always affect all the texts; it is not possible to
make design changes that apply to individual
key points.
3.6.4 Key object
The key object is an object that is displayed at
key points. It is displayed in exactly the same
way at all the key points that have their key ob-
ject setting set to Global (default setting).
First, you can activate or deactivate the key
object display using the Show key object setting.
If it is activated, you can select the object using
Select key object. A selection window (similar
to the familiar pattern selection window – see
Chapter 3.11) opens allowing you to make your
Furthermore, you can modify the Key object