Chapter 1: general information, 1 .1: general information, 1 .2: what is columbus 3 – MacroSystem Columbus 3 User Manual
Page 5: 1 .3: installing and starting the program

Columbus 3 manual
Chapter 1: General information
1 .1: General information
Thank you for buying Columbus 3 for Bogart SE. We are grate-
ful for your confidence and we hope that this product will live
up to your expectations.
With Columbus 3, you will be able to get even more out of
Bogart SE.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further
questions or suggestions for improving the product. You will
find our contact phone numbers and addresses in the Bogart
SE manual. Please do not forget to mention the serial number
of your device or your customer number each time you
contact us.
1 .2: What is Columbus 3?
Columbus 3 is a program that is mainly intended to help you to
clearly display your travel routes on maps or street plans. Nu-
merous options allow you to change the look of your projects.
You can import maps or use the numerous maps included in
the Imagepool. You can position objects on the maps (such
as town locations) and you can use any of the fonts installed
on your system to create labels with town names. Way points
can be used to draw straight and curved stretches of your
travel route. Objects (e.g. car, plane, ship, arrow) can move
along these stretches, pausing at key points and video footage
recorded at those points can be inserted to show the viewer
what you saw at these locations.
It is also possible to highlight selected parts of the image, such
as people or objects. There is no limit but that of your imagi-
nation. Columbus 3 also allows you to check your settings at
any time in full-screen mode thanks to its real-time preview
function (see Chapter 3.8).
1 .3: Installing and starting the program
In order to install the Columbus 3 program, your system must
be running the Bogart SE editing software. Leave your system
switched on and click on the
Install Product button in the
System Settings menu. This will open the relevant
window. Now, open the DVD-drive, insert the setup CD/DVD
in the drawer and close it. Some time later (you may have to
wait a few minutes during which you will probably hear noi-
ses from the DVD unit while the CD/DVD is being read by the
system), you will see that Columbus 3 is listed in the
Product window. Select it from the list and click on License.
After a short time, a numerical keypad will appear that you can
use to enter the license code you purchased from your dealer.
A message will signal that the installation is completed, after
which you can remove the CD/DVD. Should you want to install
Columbus 3 as a demo version, you should do everything as
described before, except that you should click on the
button in the numerical code window. You will notice that the
Demo has appeared after the program name. If you want
to activate this demo software later on, just click on License
again and enter the activation code.
When the installation is complete, you will see Columbus 3 in
the alphabetical list under the
Special option in the Edit menu.
After you have selected the program, you will see the following
options in the area on the right (effect options):
Start program: This is where you start Columbus 3 for crea-
ting path animations.
Mode: You can choose from the following options: Video Ext.
means that the active video scene will be used. This mode is
excellent for maps you have filmed or photographed yourself
and for maps from other available programs, such as Xpress-
Maps. The Image Pool Ext. mode will enable the software to
use a map or an extra large map from the Image Pool.
Split video: Use this setting to split the path animation that is
to be created at your key points, resulting in several scenes. If
No is selected, a single continuous scene will be generated.
Quality: Use this button to select the image quality of the
scene that is to be rendered. Low should only be used for fast
and preliminary rendering. The final rendering should be in
higher quality, which will also lengthen the rendering time.
To start Columbus 3, you must first select the mode in which
you want to use the program. Next, click on
Start Program.
If you have chosen the
Video Ext . mode, only the first comple-
te frame will be used from the active scene. It will be repeated
as many times as necessary in order to obtain the required
length when the new scene is rendered. You can stop and
quit Columbus 3 by clicking on the Edit button on the bottom
right of the Columbus 3 menu. It is not possible to abort using
the right trackball button. Columbus 3 automatically saves al
changes. This way, you can simply continue working where
you left off when you took a break. However, if you work on
another scene in the meantime, you will see the previously
created route against this new background. You can continue
to work on that one or return to a simple line default by clicking
on the
Default button. You first save your route, in case you
want to use it again at some later point in time.