67 2. installation and starting the program – MacroSystem Akaba – New Concept User Manual

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2. Installation and Starting the

In order to install Akaba – New Concept you will
need the SMART EDIT system software (at least
version 2.3).
The system version is displayed in the
information field of the System Settings menu
(lower left).

Leave your Casablanca turned on and select
the Install Product button in System Settings.
After the corresponding window has appeared,
insert the installation SmartMedia card into the
Casablanca SmartMedia reader so that the gold
contacts are facing down and the folded corner
is pointing forward to the left (in the direction of
the Casablanca).

After you have inserted the card, you will see the
software Akaba – New Concept displayed in the
window. Select it in the list and click on Activate.
A number block is displayed for entering the
enable code you have obtained from your
dealer. After that, a message is displayed
indicating that installation is finished. You can
then remove the SmartMedia card.

If you want to install the program as a demo
version, click Activate, and then click Cancel
in the number code window. The word demo
now appears after the program name. Click on
OK to close the window and then remove the
SmartMedia card. Akaba – New Concept is now
installed as a demo version.

Notes on other products:
Akaba – New Concept supports the Power
Key option
. Separate instructions for keyboard
control of this program are not available - press
the F2 key to see the possible key abbreviations.
Read also section 3.4 Notes on the Power Key

Note: Because of possible software modification
after this manual has gone to print, some of the

function representations and descriptions in
this manual may differ slightly from the actual

After you have installed Akaba – New Concept,
you will see it listed alphabetically in the Edit
menu under Special. After selecting Akaba
– New Concept
you will see the three possible
operation modes displayed to the right (effect

You initiate a mode by clicking on the
corresponding button.

Akaba – New Concept always operates on the
activated scene in the scene bin. As long as the
same scene is always active when the program
starts, Akaba – New Concept automatically
saves all modifications so that you can always
continue your interrupted work.

If you select a scene other than the scene that
was active during your previous session with
Akaba – New Concept, then the system warns
you that if you continue, all changes made to the
previous scene will be lost. With Cancel you can
prevent this and then select the previous scene.

Within a scene you can switch among the three
modes Draw mode, Retouch and Gamma.
Akaba – New Concept saves all three modes
independently of each other. The most recently
used mode is always used for calculation.
Modes are never superimposed!