Updating your defender device, 3 updating – Kanguru Common Criteria Evaluated v1.21 User Manual

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4.4.3 Updating Your Defender Device

For the purposes of this section, the word “device” is taken to refer to either the Kanguru Defender 2000

or Kanguru Defender Elite200 secure encrypted drives. The instructions below apply to both secure


Updates for your Defender device’s client application are released from time to time and you MAY

receive a Defender device running a CC non-compliant version of the client software. You MUST

check whether your Defender device is a no-comms edition device, cloud edition device or managed

by Kanguru Remote Management Console Enterprise (KRMC Enterprise), as the update process is

different for enterprise edition, no-comms and cloud/standard edition drives. Please refer to section 4.4.1

Verifying the KDM Software Version on page 18 for information about verifying which device edition

your Defender is.

If a user has purchased drives with a certain build type (E.g.: Cloud) but wishes to migrate to another

build type, he MAY do so using the CC downgraders designed for the drive type ordered, but they MUST

conform to the upgrade path options identified below.

Upgrade paths possible:

• From Cloud client – To Cloud or Enterprise client

• From Enterprise client - To Enterprise client

• From No-Comms client – To No-Comms client

It is the sole responsibility of the administrator to verify and confirm that the Defender devices are

running a common criteria certified version of the client application.

Verifying the CC Certified Downgrader application

The user MUST check the authenticity of the CC certified downgrader application to ensure that the file

has not been corrupted or tampered with. The user can use file hashing to verify that the file is genuine.

For details on verifying the file hash, please refer to Chapter 11. Verifying Your Files Using SHA256

Checksum on page 29.

Verifying the client updater certificate information

Windows users MAY check that the digital certificate for the KDM updaters are signed by Kanguru

Solutions to guarantee its authenticity. This feature is only available through Windows and is not available

for Mac OSX or Linux users.

To verify the certificate information:

1. Right click on the client updater file and select Properties from the menu.

2. Click on the Digital Signature tab.

3. In the signature list, select Kanguru Solutions and then click on the Details button.

4. Check that the digital signature is OK and that “Kanguru Solutions (division of Interactive Media

Corporation)” is listed as the name under Signer Information.

Software Installation