DeLorme Topo North America 9.0 User Manual

Page 255

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GPS Options .................................... 159
Grab and Pan ..................................... 28
Grade ............................................. 217
Grids ................................................ 30
Heading .......................................... 173
Hidden Draw Tools ............................. 94
Hide Route ...................................... 156
Hiding Address Book Contacts on the Map

..................................................... 76

Hiding Draw Files ............................... 96
Hiding Tabs ....................................... 42
Hiding Toolbar Buttons ........................ 23
High-contrast Colors ........................... 34
Horizontal Resize Tool ......................... 39
Image ........................... 8, 125, 134, 136
Importing a Bitmap .......................... 134
Importing a Custom Scheme ............... 48
Importing Existing Address Book

Information .................................... 72

Importing Files to Draw Files ............... 99
Importing Routes ............................. 157
Importing Tab Manager Preferences ..... 43
Importing Transfer Files ...................... 56
Info .................................................. 26
Initializing GPS ................................ 159
Inserting Stops and Vias ................... 145
International Labels ............................ 30
Interval ............................................. 14
Join tracks ....................................... 118
Joining Linear Objects ....................... 121
JPEG ................................................... 8
Keyboard Shortcuts 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,


Keywords for Category Searches .......... 68
Labeling a Draw Object ..................... 114
Labeling a Route Point with a MapNote 155
Land Cover ........................................ 30
Large POI Symbols ............................. 36

Latitude .......................................... 217
Layering Multiple Text and Graphic Items

on a Printed Map ............................. 85

Legend ............................................. 18
Line ................................................ 115
Linear Distance ................................ 217
Longitude ........................................ 217
Magnification .............................. 35, 159
Make Stop ....................................... 153
Make Via ......................................... 153
Map Center Crosshair ......................... 30
Map Colors ........................................ 34
Map Coordinates ................................ 14
Map Features ............................... 30, 33
Map Files ................................ 51, 52, 53
Map Legend ....................................... 18
Map Rotation Tool .............................. 14
MapNote ......................................... 125
MapShare .......................................... 24

Converting, Moving, Hiding, and

Deleting ...................................... 71

Maximum Elevation .......................... 217
Measure ...................................... 25, 37
Minimum Elevation ........................... 217
Monitoring GPS Satellite Information .. 174
Monitoring Your GPS Status ............... 173
Moving a Contact's Location On the Map 75
Moving a Draw Object to a Different Draw

File .............................................. 107

Moving and Deleting MapNotes ... 127, 155
Moving Draw Objects ........................ 109
NavMode .................................... 28, 163
Netbook ............................. 28, 30, 212
NetLink ........................................... 228
Northing ......................................... 217
Opening a Project ............................... 52
Opening a Symbol Set ...................... 141
Options Dialog Box 27, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36,

37, 44, 45, 46, 159, 185, 225