License terms and conditions, The licensed system, Your use of the system – DeLorme Topo North America 9.0 User Manual
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DeLorme Topo North America Help
The System consists of DeLorme's patented (U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,972,319; 5,030,117;
5,559,707; 5,802,492; and 6,321,158; other patents pending) processes for the formatting,
storage, retrieval and presentation of geographic and geographically related data;
DeLorme's copyrighted computer program for the use of those processes and related
functions; and compilations of geographic and supplemental data that are proprietary to
DeLorme or its licensors. The entire System, including the software, documentation, data
compilations, screen displays and map printouts are protected by U.S. and foreign
copyright. You have no ownership rights in the System. Rather, you have a license to use
the System as long as this Agreement remains in full force and effect.
Permitted Use. This Agreement permits a registered user to use the System on a non-
exclusive basis for personal, reference or business purposes on a single computer at one
time. You may install the System on an auxiliary computer in addition to your principal
computer. However, one of these two computers must be portable and the software may
not be used simultaneously on both computers. Otherwise, once you have installed the
System on one computer you may use the System on a second computer only if you delete
the System from the first computer or purchase a separate license. Installation of any part
of the System on a network is prohibited unless you have a separate network license. For
information on network or multiple-user licensing, contact DeLorme at
[email protected] or 1-800-293-2389. You may use the System as instructed by the
documentation to perform its designed functions only for the purposes authorized by this
Paper Map Printout Rights. You may reproduce paper copies or static digital images,
such as PDF or TIFF files, of any DELORME TOPO NORTH AMERICA map for personal or
household use or, if you are a business or institution, for in-house purposes, provided that
distribution and use of such printouts and copies of printouts is limited to the location where
the System is installed or limited to use by employees based at that location.
Paper Locator Map Distribution Rights. You may distribute to family and friends,
including via fax, paper copies or static digital images, such as PDF or TIFF files, of
DELORME TOPO NORTH AMERICA map printouts depicting locations of personal interest.
You may distribute to your colleagues, clients, customers or prospects, including via fax,
paper copies or static digital images, such as PDF or TIFF files, of DELORME TOPO NORTH
AMERICA map printouts depicting the location of your business or institution or the locations
of your business or institution-related meetings or events and in flyers or brochures that
contain no paid advertising.
Paper Report Distribution Rights. You may reproduce for distribution to colleagues or
clients up to one thousand (1,000) paper copies of any DELORME TOPO NORTH AMERICA
map printouts for use in paper reports such as appraisals or environmental studies,
provided that no such report includes more than fifty (50) different DELORME TOPO NORTH
AMERICA maps and that the distribution does not constitute a general and unrestricted
publication for sale or resale or contain paid advertising.
Periodical Illustrations. You may reproduce paper copies of any DELORME TOPO NORTH
AMERICA map printouts as illustrations to articles in printed paper periodical works, such as
magazines, newspapers and newsletters, provided that the publication is not primarily a
collection of maps, and provided that proper legend, as described below, accompanies the
output. Such articles may also be posted on your Web site. Graphic printers hired by
licensee to print DeLorme map images are required to purchase a license.