Restorations with gingiva portions, Framework design, Conditioning of the framework – Ivoclar Vivadent SR Nexco Paste User Manual

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the Sr nexco Paste Gingiva shades are coordinated with the Ivoclar Vivadent Gingiva concept of IPS InLine


, IPS d.SIGn


and IPS e.max


ceram. thus, gingiva with a lifelike shade effect can be created according to the same diagram with all

veneering systems particularly in implant superstructures.

In addition, Sr nexco offers the shades Basic Gingiva 34 and Intensive Gingiva 5. Particularly in implant denture
prosthetics and in conjunction with metal-ceramic restorations, the application of Sr nexco Paste allows an effective
treatment concept to be implemented.
due to the intraoral application of Sr nexco Paste, the gingiva portions can be supplemented and modified in a lifelike

framEWorK dESIGn

the framework design should be meticulously planned and fabricated by means of a wax-up and silicone keys fabricated
from it. this ensures that the Sr nexco veneering material features an even layer thickness. make sure that the soft-tissue
contacts consist entirely of Sr nexco, so that Sr nexco Paste Gingiva can be used to supplement the restoration in case
of subsequent tissue recession.

condItIonInG of tHE framEWorK

Conditioning with SR Link

after finishing, carefully blast the framework with aluminium oxide al




(80–100 µm) at 2–3 bar (29–44 psi) pressure

(see Instructions for Use of the corresponding alloy). Sandblasting improves the mechanical bond. It roughens and thus
substantially increases the surface of the object. after blasting, remove blasting medium residue from the framework by
tapping off and not by cleaning with steam or an air gun. apply Sr Link immediately after having tapped off the residue.
Use a clean disposable brush to apply Sr Link and allow to react for 3 minutes. do not apply too much Sr Link to metal

restorations with gingiva portions

Framework design by means of a wax-up and reduced shape.

Completely milled framework.