Framework-based combination dentures, Procedure for combination dentures – Ivoclar Vivadent SR Nexco Paste User Manual
Page 42

framework-based combination dentures
ProcEdUrE for comBInatIon dEntUrES
Veneering with SR Nexco
setting up and completing the denture saddles
1. fabricate the primary and secondary components (e.g. telescope crowns)
2. fabricate the model casting (transversal connector, sublingual saddle bar)
3. connect the secondary components with the model casting by adhesive joining, soldering or laser technique.
4. Veneer the secondary components with Sr nexco Paste.
5. Polymerize, finish and polish the Sr nexco veneer.
6. mask the retentions of the model casting with Sr nexco Gingiva opaquer.
7. Set up and complete the denture with cold-curing denture base material (e.g. ProBase cold).
maSKInG of modEL caSt rEtEntIonS WItH GInGIVa oPaQUEr
Conditioning with SR Link
after finishing the model cast, carefully blast the retentions with aluminium oxide al
(80–100 µm) at 3 bar (44 psi)
pressure (see Instructions for Use of the corresponding alloy). Sandblasting improves the mechanical bond. this measure
roughens and thus substantially increases the surface of the metal. after blasting, remove blasting medium residue by
tapping off and not by cleaning with steam or an air gun. apply Sr Link immediately after having tapped off the residue.
apply Sr Link with a clean disposable brush and allow it to react for 3 minutes. do not "soak" metal surface in Sr Link.
Carefully blast the retentions with Al
(80–100 µm) at 3 bar (44 psi) pressure; then remove any residue by careful tapping with an instrument.
Apply SR Link immediately after the blasting procedure using a disposable brush and allow to
react for 3 minutes.
– When using SR Link, do NOT clean the framework with steam or with an air gun after blasting.
– Do not touch the surface once it has been cleaned!