Anterior crown layering – Ivoclar Vivadent SR Nexco Paste User Manual
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antErIor croWn LayErInG
adapt the first layer firmly (press into place) to ensure an effective bond between the Liner and lab composite and
precure each segment for 20 seconds using a Quick curing light. the shade effect in the interdental area and palatal fossa
may be increased by means of Stains orange or occlusal dentin orange. Build-up the labial surface using various dentin
materials. reproduce areas of higher brightness with opal Effect 3 (cervical). apply the appropriate transpa materials to
the dentin core. Build up and precure the incisal extension using opal Effect materials (oE1 and oE2). mimic mamelons
using mamelon materials and Stains and precure. next, complete the restoration step-by-step using Incisal and transpa
materials. Build up the palatal ridges using dentin materials. the triangular ridges may be coated with a fine layer of opal
Effect 3 and 4. adapt firmly and create smooth, rounded transitions between the layers using Sr modelling instruments
and synthetic brushes. With such or similar individual layering patterns you can achieve an esthetic outcome customized
to the patient using Sr nexco.
Add Dentin material to the marginal areas. Use Stains and Occlusal Dentin matierals to enhance the shade effect in the palatal area.
Precure for 20 seconds with the Quick between the layers. Outline mesial and distal ridges with Opal Effect materials.
Outline the ridges from the palatal aspect with Opal Effect 2 and cover with Incisal material. Apply Mamelon materials and Stains and precure.