Firing parameters – Ivoclar Vivadent PS Empress CAD Chairside User Manual
Page 33

– The indicated firing parameters represent standard values applicable to the current ceramic furnaces from Ivoclar
Vivadent. The indicated temperatures also apply to furnaces of older generations, e.g. P20, P90, P95, P80, P100, P200.
However, the temperatures may deviate by ± 10 °C / 18 °F, depending on the age of the heating muffle.
– If a non-Ivoclar Vivadent furnace is used, temperature corrections may be necessary.
– Regional differences in the power supply or the operation of several electronic devices by means of the same circuit may
render adjustments of the temperatures necessary.
Firing parameters
Firing process for leucite-reinforced glass-ceramic restorations
– Always use the honey-comb firing tray to fire the restorations.
– Support inlays, onlays, and partial crowns with a firing pillow and place them on the honey-comb firing tray.
– Place veneers as well as anterior and posterior crowns on metal pins and position them on the honey-comb firing tray.
– As an alternative to the firing pillow and to better secure the restoration on the metal pins (particularly with veneers), a
small amount of IPS Object Fix Putty / Flow may also be used. The inner aspects do not have to be completely covered.
– Observe the firing temperatures at all times. An increase in the firing temperature results in severe vitrification between
the framework and the veneering ceramic, which may lead to cracks later.
– Reducing the firing temperature will result in an underfired ceramic, which is very brittle and thus susceptible to
– Depending on the working habits, the glaze and stain firing procedures may also be conducted with a temperature
increase rate of 60 °C / 108 °F per minute.
– If a vacuum pump is available, the stain and glaze firing procedures may also be carried out with a vacuum in place.
– Restorations supported with a firing pillow on the honey-comb tray are exposed to less heat due to their lower position
in the firing chamber. In order to achieve a true-to-nature gloss nonetheless, it is recommended to extend the holding
time from 1 minute to 2 minutes.
– The parameters specified in these Instructions for Use are coordinated with the Ivoclar Vivadent ceramic furnaces
(tolerance range ± 10 °C / 18 °F).
– If a non-Ivoclar Vivadent furnace is used, temperature corrections may be necessary.
IPS Empress
– General Information