Product registration – Honestech VHS to DVD 3.0 Standard User Manual
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50. hon estech
6. Product Registration
1. G o to Help menu and clic k on Produ ct regi stration
2. Click on [Register Online] t o register your product. If you want to mail or f ax us the product
registration for ms, pleas e click on [PDF format] or [W ord Format] to download t he product
registration for ms.
3. Af ter entering t he product key, you will rec eive t he product registration key. T he product
registration key will be dis played, and you will recei ve a confirmation email
4. G o to Help menu and clic k on Regi ster product r egistr ation key. T hen enter your
produc t registration key that you rec eived.
5. Aft er you complete t he product registration:
* You will receive the product registration k ey which is required to use t he program.
You will also receive various updates , patc hes and disc ount coupons. The infor mation
that y ou submit will be us ed strictly for customer support and will not be us ed t o send
unsolicited e- mail or s old t o a t hird part y.