Honestech VHS to DVD 3.0 Standard User Manual

Page 29

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29. VHS to DVD 3.0

4.2. 2. STEP 2 – EDIT

Once all your vi deos are c aptured, you c an move on t o t he edit phase
of honestec h VHS to DVD 3. 0

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The above image is a screenshot of t he Edit Window's Main Window. T he M ain Window
consists of Player, Transition List, Stor yboard panels and the File Pool.

1. Player Panel

This panel has butt ons for Play/Paus e, St op, Previous Frame, Next Frame, Cut Clip St art
Point, and Cut Clip Endpoint functions.

2. Transition List Panel

Transition allows you to add a video transition bet ween t he t wo clips, like a fade-in-fade-
out eff ect.

3. St oryboard Panel

The St oryboard panel displ ays clips in thumbnail f ormat in time or der.

4. File Pool

The File Pool displays clips in t humbnail f ormat t hat you have c apt ured.

In t he EDIT phase, you can trim out unwanted scenes from your recorded vi deo or split one
video clip into multiple clips . You c an add transition eff ects bet weem clips or merge multi ple
clips into one video clip.