Honestech VHS to DVD 3.0 Standard User Manual

Page 35

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35. VHS to DVD 3.0

* Fast MPEG merge (GOP boundary cut)

1) Rendering Method : Fast MPEG merge


All video clips must have identical MPEG f ormats.


Makes inserti ng and deleting frames simple and fas t.


The out put vi deo for mat will matc h t he original MPEG f ormat.


Customizing of video and audi o settings is not possible; function
propert y setti ngs are made i nacti ve.

2) Type : Displays MPEG format of file to be rendered.

3) Video


Resolution: Vi deo resol ution (screen size).


Frame R ate: Frames per sec ond (fps).


Bitrate: Number of dat a bits used per sec ond (bps).

4) Audio


Sampling Rate: Sampling Frequenc y (KHz).


Bitrate: Number of dat a bits used per sec ond (bps).

* Smart Rendering

1) Rendering Method : Smart R endering


Encode a portion or t he whole video.


Only the edited seg ments of the original video will be encoded.


If the entired movie clip was edited, t he entire movie will be re-rendered.


When movie clips with different video for mats are c ombined, the for mat
of t he out put file will be set to match the for mat of the "base vi deo file".
Movie clips wit h f ormats t hat don't matc h the "base video file" will be re-
render ed.


Select the "base video file" usi ng the but ton.


Although the video s etti ngs cannot be changed, the audi o settings can
be c hanged.

2) Type : Display MPEG t ype

3) Video


Resolution: Vi deo resol ution (screen size).


Frame R ate: Frames per sec ond (fps).


Bitrate: Number of dat a bits used per sec ond (bps).

4) Audio


Sampling Rate: Sampling Frequenc y (KHz).


Bitrate: Number of dat a bits used per sec ond (bps).