Introduction – Honestech VHS to DVD 3.0 Standard User Manual
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5. VHS to DVD 3.0
1. Introduction
Video tapes c ar deteriorate over ti me. Deteriorated videos will have c olor bl eed, whit e spec ks,
and ot her dist ortions . Don’t let this happen t o your precious memories, and archive your
videot ape collecti on onto DVD/CD. honest ech VHS t o DVD 3.0 offers the fas test and easiest
way to do j ust t hat .
Capture video from VCR, Digital Camcorder, PC camer a, TV, DVD pl ayers and
convert them i nto home DVD movies.
All-in-one sol ution: pr ovides ever yt hing you need to easily transf er your vi deo onto
VCD, SVCD, or DVD movies.
Advanced scene editi ng tools: trim out unwant ed sc enes and add transition eff ects.
Transition effects : many diff erent screen ef fects and filters t o create prof essional
quality vi deos .
Watch video on new gadgets : convert c apt ured video int o PSP or iPod for mats.
Video input: Capt ure Device (VCR, Digital Camcorder, TV, DVD Player, etc)
Video output: VCD, SVCD, DVD, Long DVD, AVI, WMV, MPEG- 4 (PSP and iPod)
honestech VHS to DVD 3. 0 is revol utionar y sof tware t hat provi des users with a c omplet e
and full y f eat ured program for eas y and simple c onversion of t heir videos ont o VCD, SVCD or
DVD movies . Now you c an s ave all your old home videos and bur n them to DVD to keep your
precious memories ali ve forever. You can also convert c aptured video into MPEG-4 or WMV
format and watch them on your PSP, iPod, or Windows-based PDA device.
honestech VHS to DVD 3. 0 has t hree modes: 1) Eas y Wizard Mode, 2) Advanced Mode, and
3) Audio Recorder. The Eas y Wizard mode provides st ep-by-st ep pictorial ins tructions which
assist the us er thr ough t he proc ess. The Advanced Mode si mplifies c apturing, editing and
burning DVD/CD movies i nto a si mple three-step proc ess.
1. Capture: Capture your video from camcor der, VCR, or DVD player.
2. Edit: Trim unwanted scenes and add transiti on effec ts.
3. Burn: Burn your movie int o DVD, VCD, or SVCD or convert t he vi deo int o
MPEG-4 or WMV f ormat t hat you can watc h on your PSP, iPod, or Windows-
based PDA device.
The Audio Rec order rec ords audio from from your c asset tes, LP r ecords, and video tapes t o
MP3 files. Using the rec orded MP3 files, you c an creat e audi o CDs.
Whether you’re a novice or professional, honest ech VHS t o DVD 3.0 is your best choice f or
editing and producing home movies on VCD, SVCD or DVD. honest ech VHS t o DVD 3.0
provides ever yt hing you need to easily produce D VD movies. honest ech VHS t o DVD 3.0
aut o-det ects c apt ure devices on your PC and c apt ures video from a wide variet y of devices: T V,
PC Camera, DVD Player, VCRs, C amc orders, etc.