Honestech VHS to DVD 3.0 Standard User Manual

Page 40

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40. hon estech

To output using your o wn cu stom profile,
1) Check [Use Custom Profil e].
2) Click on [Import] button, and import your cus tom pr ofile..
3) You can modif y bitrate, audio c odec, and audio format (however, this val ue

cannot be s ave i n t he the imported pr ofile.).

4) Click [OK] button t o create an output in WMV f ormat.

For more inf ormation of maki ng a cus tom profile, pleas e ref er to the manual

provided by Windows Media Enc oder.


Video: Supports both NTSC and PAL standards (NTSC is us ed in North
America and PAL in Europe).


Resolution: Vi deo resol ution (screen size).


Frame R ate: Frames per sec ond (fps).


Bitrate: Number of dat a bits used per sec ond (bps).

* Audi o


Sampling Rate: Sampling Frequenc y (KHz).


Bitrate: Number of dat a bits used per sec ond (bps).


Stereo: Audi o pres ent ation t ype (St ereo or Mono)

Contact Microsoft(R) for more infor mation on the set tings and us es of Windows Media

Format (Video/Audio COD EC). All rights to Microsoft CODECs belong to Micros oft(R).