Honestech VHS to DVD 3.0 Standard User Manual
Page 25

25. VHS to DVD 3.0
Best: 1 hour and 10 minutes
Good: 1 hour and 30 mi nut es
Normal: 1 hour and 50 mi nut es
Average: 2 hours and 20 mi nut es
Split Size f eature aut omaticall y s plits the captur e video file int o t wo or more files if it would
becomes too large t o fit on a single DVD/CD. T his is a great tool if you have many l ong
videos that cannot fit on a si ngle DVD/CD.
Specif y t he l ocati on where t he capture vi deo will be s aved.
• Record and Burn
When c hec ked, the recordi ng will be made f or the duration of ti me you s et, and
DVD/CD burning will start automatically aft erward. T his option makes the whol e
process aut omatic.
• Maximum Recordi ng Time
This feature l ets you know t he maximum amount of video you can capture on your
comput er. The maxi mum rec ording time will depend on the output f ormat and amount
of hard drive spac e available. This is usef ul when you want to monitor and record
activiti es at home while you are away for a short period of ti me (Few hours are ideal).
• Set Rec ording Time
Set t he dur ation of recordi ng, and t he rec ording will stop automatic ally aft er the
duration you s et. This is ver y us eful if you know the length of t he movi e you are
capt uring. It is recommended t hat you al ways set the recordi ng duration time to
prevent t he rec ording from continuing until it reac hes the maximum recordi ng time.
You can al ways stop t he rec ording manuall y bef ore t he rec ording duration ti me is
• Record Button
Click to s tart rec ording.