1 cd11-spyrus-tool.sh – Guralp Systems CD1.1 User Manual
Page 70

CD1.1 Tools for Platinum
change the slot and key IDs. However, doing this will interrupt
the data flow, as the data service must be restarted for
changes to take effect, so there is also a command line tool
(d11-management-tool, which is documented in section 9.2.5
on page 64) for switching the authentication key ID and slot at
runtime without interrupting the data flow. This tool is not
capable of altering other aspects of the configuration.
It is also possible to operate on the Spyrus card using the
spyrus-util tool while signing is in progress. Operations which
cause signing to fail (reinitialising the card, or deleting or
replacing the keypair in active use for signing) will interrupt
data flow, as subframes/frames are never sent without a
signature if authentication is enabled. However, it is possible to
generate or modify keypairs in inactive slots without impeding
data flow.
10.3.1 cd11-spyrus-tool.sh
A high-level wrapper script, cd11-spyrus-tool.sh, combines
operation of the spyrus-util and cd11-management-tool
programs into a single program invocation. It is intended to be
used in unmanned stations and corresponds directly to the
The script will operate on slot 1 and slot 2 of the Spyrus card,
alternating between the two. The remaining card slots are not
touched by the script and can be used for any purpose.
If run with no arguments, the script produces a help message:
Manages keys in slot 1 and slot 2 of the Spyrus card.
Interacts with spyrus_util and cd11-management-tool .
init_card command:
/usr/sbin/cd11-spyrus-tool.sh init_card [
Re-initialises the card, destroying any keys or certificates
it may hold. Takes one parameter, the PIN number to use.
This will default to 1234 if unspecified.
1 adc-command can be used to implement IMS2.0 calibration commands.
Issue C