Guralp Systems CD1.1 User Manual

Page 29

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Operator's Guide





STATION.CHANNEL.LOCATION — this is either the
system-generated name (in automatic or semi-
automatic naming mode) or the user-entered name (in
manual or over-ridden semi-automatic naming mode).

Sensor type — this is a drop-down menu whose
options are “Automatically determined”, “Seismic”,
“Hydroacoustic”, “Infrasonic”, “Weather” and “Other”.
This is used to set the channel descriptor field in the
CD1.1 subframe. If this field is set to “Automatically
determined”, the type is assumed to be seismic.

Calibration and Period — the values entered here
are transmitted in the channel subframe description.
Calibration is given in nm/count for a seismic sensor,
and period is in seconds. These fields expects floating
point numbers, so enter ”1.0” rather than just “1”.
Leaving these fields blank will result in it being
automatically populated with default values of 1.0. See
chapter 12 on page 74 for details.

Delete — this check-box can be used to remove one or
more rows from the table when the form is submitted.
When in manual channel naming mode, this will
prevent the channel from being converted. This can be
used to filter certain channels to certain converters
when, for example, the application calls for different
subframe durations.

The final section of the configuration screen controls various
system monitoring options, both binary (on/off) and continuous-

The CD1.1 header has a number of status bits (channel security
bits) with predefined meanings related to anti-tamper
precautions. The CMG-EAM has a number of general purpose
digital input/output lines which can be configured as inputs
from tamper-detection micro-switches and similar devices. The
first part of the “System monitoring” table allows the operator
to associate each status bit with a specific “tamper line”.

The status bits in the header which can be mapped in this way

Equipment housing open;

June 2010