Guralp Systems CD1.1 User Manual

Page 58

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CD1.1 Tools for Platinum

eam999 # cd11-backfilldb-tool -d /var/lib/data-out-


Most recent timestamp: 2009-12-06T23:40:40Z

Gap start | Gap end


2009-12-06T21:25:20Z 2009-12-06T21:32:10Z

2009-12-06T21:42:40Z 2009-12-06T22:53:50Z


Using the -c (or --clear-before) argument with a date (in the
same format as those produced on output) removes all entries
for gaps before the given date. No further attempt will be
made to send these frames unless they are specifically
requested by the DC with an acknack packet.

Using the -C (or --clear-all) argument removes all entries
from the back-fill database. This ensures that no back-fill takes
place when the module is started (this does not apply to
retransmission requests issued by the DC via the acknack
mechanism). This could be used to prune older data, ensuring
only fresh data is back-filled after a long outage.

Using the -a (or --add) argument with two dates (in the same
format as those produced on output) separated by only a
forward-slash character (“/”) adds a spurious gap to the

eam999 # cd11-backfilldb-tool -a 2009-12-01T12:00:00Z/2009-

12-01T12:59:50Z /var/lib/data-out-cd11.0/backfilldb

No output is produced on successful database modification but
the new database entry can be seen using the -d command:

eam999 # cd11-backfilldb-tool -d /var/lib/data-out-


Most recent timestamp: 2009-12-06T23:40:40Z

Gap start | Gap end


2009-12-01T12:00:00Z 2009-12-01T12:59:50Z

2009-12-06T21:25:20Z 2009-12-06T21:32:10Z

2009-12-06T21:42:40Z 2009-12-06T22:53:50Z


Full usage details for this program can be produced by passing
it the -h (or --help) flag:


cd11-backfilldb-tool [options] /path/to/backfilldb

Valid options:

-h, --help Display this screen.


Issue C