3 operation notes – Guralp Systems CD1.1 User Manual
Page 37

Operator's Guide
levels: “Warnings”, “Important notices”, “Informational
messages” and “Debugging information”. Setting this field to
“Warnings” produces the least output and setting it to
“Debugging information” produces the most.
The receiver writes its output to an instance of data-mux-cd11.
In most applications, there will be only one instance of this and
the CD1.1 multiplexor field can be left at its default value.
When building more complex configurations, it may be
necessary to have more than one multiplexor instance. This
fields let you select which instance of data-mux-cd11 to use for
output. All configured instances appear on the associated
drop-down menu.
6.3 Operation notes
The receiver module does not verify authentication data on
incoming frames. It does not decode the subframes: they are
passed, unmodified and still encoded, straight to a multiplexor
This means that the Platinum firmware cannot currently
convert waveform data from a CD1.1 DP into other seismic
formats, although this functionality may be added in future.
Note that each receiver module is capable of receiving from
more than one DP; the only reason to have more than one
receiver is if the receiver name/type needs to differ, or if the
data needs to be sent to a different multiplexor module.
There is currently no tool to interact with the receiver database
file but it can be removed altogether to stop any acknack
requests from occurring when the module is started up.
June 2010