1 response options – Guralp Systems CMG-6T User Manual

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The 6T has a rugged, waterproof, lightweight aluminium design for

ease of installation. The robust sensor elements are designed so that
no mechanical clamping is required. Because of this, the 6T is ready

to record ground movements as soon as you provide it with power. In
addition, the sensor does not have to be levelled or centred as long as

the base is within 3° of the horizontal. For the best results, however,
you should install where possible on a hard, near-horizontal surface,

well coupled to the bedrock.

Each seismometer is delivered with a detailed calibration sheet
showing its serial number, measured frequency response in both the

long period and the short period sections of the seismic spectrum,
sensor DC calibration levels, and the transfer function in poles/zeros


1.1 Response options

The 6T can be supplied with a response which is flat to velocity from

100 Hz to any of 0.1 Hz (10 s), 0.033 Hz (30 s) or 0.01 Hz (100 s). The
6T is also available as the high-frequency CMG-6T-1 variant, which

has a 100Hz to 1s response.

Two variants, the CMG-6V (vertical) and CMG-6H (horizontal), are
available for single-component applications.


Issue B