4 connector pin-outs, 1 instrument, hcu recorder and sensor connectors – Guralp Systems CMG-6T User Manual
Page 28

4 Connector pin-outs
4.1 Instrument, HCU RECORDER and SENSOR connectors
This is a standard 26-pin “mil-spec” plug,
conforming to MIL-DTL-26482 (formerly
MIL-C-26482). A typical part-number is
02E-16-26P although the initial “02E” varies
with manufacturer.
Suitable mating connectors have part-
numbers like ***-16-26S and are available
from Amphenol, ITT Cannon and other
Pin Function
Pin Function
A Velocity +ve, vertical channel
P Calibration signal (all channels)
B Velocity –ve, vertical channel
R Calibration enable (all channels)
C Velocity +ve, N/S channel
S not connected
D Velocity –ve, N/S channel
T not connected
E Velocity +ve, E/W channel
U One-second response mode
F Velocity –ve, E/W channel
V not connected
G Mass position, vertical channel
W not connected
H not connected
X not connected
Mass position, N/S channel
Y Logic ground
K not connected
Z not connected
L Mass position, E/W channel
a not connected
M not connected
b Power ground
N Signal ground
c Power +ve
Wiring details for the compatible socket,
***-16-26S, as seen from the cable end, i.e.
during assembly.
Issue B