Guralp Systems CMG-6T User Manual
Page 10

You will need access to a PC with a 9-pin RS232 port, and a 12 V
power source.
1. Install Scream! on your PC and run it.
2. Connect the GPS receiver to the CMG-DM24 using the brown
cable supplied with the digitiser. Position the GPS receiver so
that it has a good view of the sky. If you do not have a view of
the sky, you can operate the sensor without a GPS unit, but
timing information may be inaccurate.
3. Connect the grey data cable between the CMG-6T and the
SENSOR A .connector on the digitiser.
4. Using the blue/grey combined data/power cable that is included
with the CMG-DM24, connect the digitiser to the PC's serial port
and then to a 12V power supply.
The instrument is now fully operational, and will already be
producing data.
5. After a few seconds you should see the digitizer appear under
Network – Local – Com1 in the left-hand panel of Scream!'s
main window. (If your PC has multiple serial ports, it may
appear under some other Com port name.) Soon after, data
streams will begin appearing in the right-hand panel. Streams
with higher sample rates will appear sooner than those with
lower sample rates.
If this does not happen, check all connections, and ensure the
power supply is providing the correct voltage and current.
Issue B