Guralp Systems CMG-6T User Manual
Page 11

Operator's Guide
6. Each data stream has a Stream ID, a six-character string unique
to it. Stream IDs normally identify the instrument, component
and sample rate of each stream. Thus the stream 1026Z2 refers
to a Z-component stream from instrument 1026, at tap 2.
Data streams ending in 00 and 01 are status streams containing
any extra information sent from the digitizer. Streams with IDs
ending in IB are InfoBlocks and can be configured to contain
calibration information for the attached sensor. Please see the
relevant digitiser manual for more information.
7. To view data, select a stream and then double-click to open a
Waveview window.
You can view several streams at once by holding down SHIFT
as you select, and then double-clicking the selection.
8. To start recording new data to a file, right-click on a stream or a
selection of streams and choose Start recording from the pop-up
menu. Recording settings, directories, etc., can be altered by
selecting File Setup...
from the main menu and switching to
the Recording tab.
2.6 Installation notes
For the best possible results, a seismometer should be installed on a
seismic pier in a specially-built vault, where conditions are near
perfect. Here, wave-trains arriving at the instrument reflect very well
the internal motion of subsurface rock formations. However, this is not
always feasible. For example,
July 2011