Installation - indoor installation, Clearance to combustibles / service clearances – Greenheck DG / DGX with Pilot Ignition (463555 IOM) (Pre-2008) User Manual

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Installation - Indoor Installation


Step 1 Install Hangers

Install threaded hangers from ceiling supports. When locating hangers, allow enough room to open access
panel(s). Two nuts must be used on the end of each threaded hanger. Ceiling supports are supplied by others.

Step 2 Install Unit

Using sheet metal screws, attach the
weatherhood/thru-wall/filter section to the
blower/burner section. The flange on the
weatherhood/thru-wall/filter section should
overlap the flange on the blower/burner section.

Raise the assembled unit into place.

Using two nuts per hanger, fasten the unit
supports to the hangers under the unit.
Appropriate unit supports, such as the optional
Greenheck hanging bracket kit or c-channel and
angle iron (supplied by others) should be used.

Using self tapping screws, attach ductwork to

In order to prevent the unit from swinging and to
provide a safe environment for service and
maintenance, additional measures must be taken
to secure the unit in all directions.

Step 3 Seal Wall Opening

Apply sealant around the perimeter of the
weatherhood to prevent water penetration and
drafts into the building.


Two nuts must be used on each end of each

threaded hanging rod for proper support.


Good duct practices should be followed for

all ductwork. Ductwork should be installed in

accordance with SMACNA and AMCA

guidelines, NFPA 96 and any local codes.

Reference the CAPS submittal for duct sizes.


Unit Supports

Ceiling Supports



Indoor Mounting

Sealing Wall Opening





Insulated Units

0 inches

0 inches

0 inches

0 inches

Non Insulated Units

0 inches

6 inches

6 inches

6 inches

Clearance to combustibles is defined as the minimum distance required between the heater and adjacent combustible
surfaces to ensure the adjacent surface’s temperature does not exceed 90 degrees above the ambient temperature.

Recommended Minimum Service Clearances

Housing 32 and less

42 inches on the controls side of the unit

Housing 35 and higher

48 inches on the controls side of the unit

Clearances for component removal (such as evaporative cooler media) may be greater than the service clearances listed.

Clearance to Combustibles / Service Clearances